Strømme Foundation is a rights-based development NGO that works towards a world free from poverty. 

Our most important interventions in the fight against poverty are education, economic inclusion / job creation and a strong civil society. 

We are among the 10 largest development organisations in Norway. With country offices in West Africa, East Africa and Asia consisting only of local employees, we work through local partners. 



people supported
in 2023.


were adolescents and children
below 18 years.

Strømme Foundation heart illustration

Creating Livelihoods & Job Opportunities
Improve livelihoods for the rural poor through enhanced income generation.

Ensuring inclusive Quality Education
Ensuring inclusive quality education for disadvantaged groups, especially girls.

Building Strong Societies
Strengthen civil society and the public sector.

Flagship Programmes


Back to school with Speed School

Speed School provides a second chance to education for out-of-school children and youth.

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Shonglap girls raising their hands (3182x3121)

Adolescent Empowerment Programme

Life skills training for young people who have often dropped out of school due to poverty.

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